International Conference on Multilingualism, Athens

October, 2020

Raising Multilingual Children

This pioneering conference officially launches the first Athens meeting for professionals and for the general public who have an interest in both bilingualism and multilingualism. It aims to bring together leading authors, influencers, scientists, academics, and educators who focus on research and methods, as well as the benefits and the pitfalls of raising bilingual and multilingual children.


Athens, as a multilingual and multicultural Greek metropole, is the best place to initiate deep conversations about multilingualism, and to give an international perspective to issues in nurturing multilingualism in early childhood.


As the delicate relationship of language and heritage is becoming increasingly more important across the globe every day, our goal is to create a platform to present and discuss the most recent methods, trends, and concerns, as well as practical challenges encountered, along with solutions adopted in the fields of educating and raising multilingual children.

The conference will cover specialized panels for professionals, communities, and the general public, as well as fireside chats, workshops, and practical advice sessions for the general public, including parents, communities, community leaders, and teachers who share a common interest in raising multilingual children with a global mindset.


An important goal for ICMA 2020 is to introduce and connect the formal and informal expat communities in Greece, and to provide a place where they can all meet, start an open dialogue about co-operation, and take the first steps towards entering into a soft alliance.

The next step is to build on the momentum of the conference to establish regular meet-ups and round tables for community leaders, representatives, and teachers, in order to encourage knowledge transfer, share experiences, and for good practice as a part of the ICMA initiative.



Brief, concise panels from renowned international and Greek speakers (leading authors, influencers, scientists, researchers, academics, and educators) who focus on research and methods, as well as the benefits and the pitfalls of raising bilingual and multilingual children.


Inspiration. Education. Community.

Networking space where you can grab a snack, a cup of coffee, and discuss any burning topics you may have on your mind.

Listen. Ask. Open up. Share. Relate.

The ICMA HUB will add value to the main conference, and will host parallel fireside chats, practical workshops focused on various techniques, skills, and trends in raising multilingual children, as well as offering solutions and guidelines for communities, their leaders, teachers, and other representatives.

Knowledge transfer. Hands-on experience. Interactive participation. Personal Growth.

Organized by:

Workshops co-organized by:

and other expat communities in Athens

Supported by:

Club of Ukranian women
